Water conditioner used to control external fish parasites present in both marine and freshwater environments.
A safe and effective, treatment to eradicate Flatworms from your Reef Aquarium
Reef Primer is a premium dip for your corals and frags. Use in your acclimation routine before adding new corals to your system.
An all natural treatment, antibacterial remedy for the treatment of fish diseases.
Reef Dip contains elemental iodine complexed to a protective slime coat for safely and gently disinfecting corals.
A general cure. Effective against many problems including Fungus, Shimmius, Whitespot, Tailrot and mouth fungus.
A mild antiseptic used for fungus infections and useful as a long duration treatment for disease.
Malachite Green is used to treat ectoparasites such as gill flukes, Ich and Trichodina as well as bacteria and fungal infections. Malachite Green is toxic to small fry.